Why hemorrhoid itch? And how to stop it?

Why hemorrhoid itch

Hemorrhoids are the vascular structures of the anal canal, but the term is often misused to indicate the dilation that causes hemorrhoidal disease. It is a rather frequent problem and almost half of the population over fifty has suffered from it at least once in their life, as have pregnant women; one of the main symptoms is anal itching.

If you have this disorder, there are ways to soothe the discomfort.

Why hemorrhoid itch? Relieve Itching

1) Make a sitz bath with warm water

Soak the affected area in a tub with a few centimeters of water; however, if you prefer, you can take a full bath to achieve the same effect. This wash increases blood circulation in the anal area, thanks above all to the heat, while improving the relaxation and healing of the tissues surrounding the anus. Repeat the treatment twice a day.

You can purchase this type of toilet bowl to fit the toilet seat at pharmacies or medical supply stores.
If you take a full bath, add about 100 g of Epsom salts, or 2-3 tablespoons if you pour only a few centimeters of water into the tub or sitz bath; you can also add a dollop of witch hazel or baking soda if you wish. This remedy helps reduce swelling and inflammation, thereby relieving itching; make sure the water is hot but not boiling.

2) Apply a warm compress

Why hemorrhoid itch? To soothe the itching generated by hemorrhoids you can place a warm towel on the anal area; soak a clean cloth in warm (not hot) water and apply it to the painful area for 10-15 minutes, making sure it is right on the swollen hemorrhoids. Repeat the treatment 4-5 times a day.
When finished, use a clean cotton cloth to dry thoroughly; be careful to pat and not rub the anal region, otherwise you may irritate it further.

3) Use medicated tampons.

This is another way to soothe the annoying itch and you can find them in almost any drugstore. In case of hemorrhoid itch, gently clean the area and then use one of these swabs to gently scrub the affected area, being careful not to exert too much friction. repeat 6 times a day.

Use one of these medicated tampons every time you go to the bathroom; Always clean the anal area first and then use gauze. Also be sure to discard the swab after use.

4) Try a gel or lotion to relieve pain and itching

It is a useful product for your purpose; use a small amount of aloe vera gel or Preparation H to soothe the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids; apply the ointment as many times as needed.

Do not use steroid creams for an extended period or longer than necessary; if you apply them repeatedly, you can damage the delicate tissue around the vascular structures.

If you don’t have this type of ointment, try baby teething gel, as it contains a local anesthetic that can soothe the itch.

5) Use cold pack

Ice helps reduce swelling; apply a compress to the previously cleaned area for no more than 10 minutes. Wrap the ice in a towel so that low temperatures do not cause damage to the skin; repeat several times a day.

After the cold therapy is finished, you can proceed with a warm compress for 10-20 minutes to relieve even more discomfort.

6) Use essential oils

They can be helpful in reducing itching. To proceed, dilute 2 to 4 drops of essential oil in 60ml of carrier oil, such as castor or almond oil; mix well and apply the solution directly on the external hemorrhoids. You can use 1 to 3 different oils for this treatment.

Lavender oil helps relieve pain and hemorrhoid itch; that of cypress is used to soften and help the tissue healing process; that of tea tree is useful for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties; avocado can be used as a base or added to other oils, as it has a moisturizing, soothing and accelerating healing action.

These oils can also be applied to internal hemorrhoids, but in that case the help of another person is usually needed; if you have a partner who can help you, make sure they wash their hands before proceeding and are wearing gloves or a non-latex finger cover.

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