In summer, thanks to the heat, laziness rises. In fact, for those suffering from hemorrhoids , laziness and “doing nothing” could awaken the hemorrhoids and cause discomfort and pain even in summer.
“To keep them at bay and not suffer from them – explains Dr. Andrea Rusconi , general surgeon of Humanitas San Pio X -, in many cases it is sufficient to adopt a healthy and active style , in addition to using specific therapies prescribed by the doctor.
More than hemorrhoids, however, it is necessary to talk about hemorrhoidal disease, since hemorrhoids are soft pads of tissue that exist in physiological conditions in the anal canal of each individual and have the function of promoting continence and stool evacuation.
Is hemorrhoids painful? When hemorrhoids become inflamed, their presence is distinctly felt because, when they swell, they generate discomfort, pain, burning, itching and bleeding, up to prolapse in the most advanced stages of hemorrhoidal disease.
Although it is a disorder that people are reluctant to talk about, however, more than half of the over 50s, men and women suffer from hemorrhoids ».

How to treat them depends on the degree of the disease
Caused by various factors, including constipation, sedentary lifestyle, overexertion, pregnancy or work activities that require you to stay upright for a long time and family predisposition, hemorrhoids can manifest themselves with various symptoms not only at the time of defecation.
“Although it is not a serious disease that involves a risk to health – continues the expert -, the evaluation with colonoscopy allows to exclude the presence of other colorectal diseases , such as colorectal cancer. Furthermore, the specialist visit with a specific diagnostic evaluation (anoscopy, proctoscopy) allows to establish the stage of the haemorrhoidal disease and therefore the treatment.
Generally, when the internal hemorrhoids have not prolapsed (I and II degree), it is sufficient to modify the lifestyle (diet rich in fiber, regular physical activity, increase fluid intake) and, if symptomatic, to use specific topical therapies to local action.
If this is not enough, and the hemorrhoids are prolapsed, thrombosed or bleeding (III and IV degree), the treatment can vary from non-surgical procedures such as elastic ligation of the hemorrhoids or sclerosing injections, indicated in case of bleeding, and can be performed in clinic without anesthesia.

Is hemorrhoids painful? Tips to limit the symptoms
“Practicing regular physical activity that does not strain the abdominal muscles excessively, such as swimming, walking, gentle gymnastics – continues the expert – helps to keep the intestine regular as well as a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables, with whole grains, fish , white meats and legumes and an adequate intake of liquids.
These measures favor intestinal regularity and reduce the risk of constipation and injury to the haemorrhoidal plexus during evacuation. It would be best to avoid or at least limit irritating foods such as chocolate, sweets, spices, alcohol and sausages.
Furthermore, avoiding weight lifting (even at home or at work) and standing still (orthostatic position) or sitting for a long time limits the appearance of local symptoms. It is also important to avoid prolonged periods in the toilet to avoid excessive congestion of the haemorrhoidal plexus and the consequent local irritation which can be followed by intense symptoms ».