Hemorrhoids exercise, is something that any hemorrhoids sufferer should definitely try before moving on to another type of treatment.
The term hemorrhoids defines blood vessels that flow into the anal canal and which can become pathological when inflamed.
They are important vascular cushions because they allow anal closure following defecation. They also protect the anal sphincter muscles. When too much pressure is exerted in the abdominal area it releases pressure on the pelvic area.
This occurs especially in circumstances such as pregnancy, exertion due to constipation or diarrhea, incorrect posture maintained for a prolonged period of time.
The physiological nature of hemorrhoids is much more complex than what is often believed, manifesting arterial characteristics without being, and it is also for this reason that they are defined as the corpora cavernosa of the rectum.
Hemorrhoidal pain affects a large part of both male and female populations, especially those who spend many hours a day sitting or standing. In fact, both of these positions compromise regular blood circulation, putting pressure on the blood vessels in the perianal area.

The notoriety of the disorder is certainly linked to the annoyance and sense of embarrassment associated with it, far greater than its actual severity. If you are too proud or shy to go to the doctor, there is a good chance that someone close to you has already suffered from it and could give you some useful advice.
Remember that everything about the body is “natural”. It is more prudent to confront someone and treat the condition before it is really uncomfortable, rather than living with it for days with frustration and nervousness.
A precise and unique cause has not yet been identified but the fact that it affects the majority of pregnant women has led the scientific community to create a link between an increase in pressure on the pelvic area and the onset of this disorder.
On a physiological level, they are caused by a sort of vascular thrombosis defined in some cases as hemorrhoidal throttling: the blood cannot flow properly to the hemorrhoids following an obstruction in the vein to which they are connected.
In this case, an enlarged hemorrhoid leakage from the anus is possible, which becomes perceptible to the touch and is more painful than the internal ones, which are rarely noticeable.
Among the other causes we can certainly include excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine and nicotine, which together prevent the fluidity of blood circulation.
Those affected usually lead an “unhealthy” lifestyle as well as a sedentary one. Incorrect food choices prevent blood from circulating properly and defecating normally. Excessive consumption of spices, for example, irritates the mucous membranes of the body.
Constipated people usually don’t get enough fiber and fluids.

Drinking at least two liters of water a day and eating fruit and vegetables every day are the basic rules for maintaining the correct intestinal balance. In fact, if we deprive the body of these elements, we will be forced to “force ourselves” to be able to defecate, inflaming the hemorrhoids.
Although sport is almost always the best cure for any ailment, some sports can contribute to the onset of haemorrhoidal pains: cycling, motorcycling and weight lifting, all performed while seated and which, thanks to the effort, put pressure on the area in question.
On the contrary, there are a series of Hemorrhoids exercise that can, once learned correctly, be practiced at any time and alone.
Kegel exercises for example are Hemorrhoids exercise which consists in voluntary contractions that stimulate the pelvic floor muscles. For many years recommended for pregnant women and for all those who need to strengthen these muscles for various causes, such as incontinence.
When practiced daily, they can prevent hemorrhoids from collapsing and can contribute to improved sexual performance.
Before starting to perform them it is essential to identify the muscular area defined as the pelvic floor. It is easily located by blocking the flow of urine and does not involve the strain of any other muscle. Before putting them into exercise it is necessary to empty the bladder.
The muscles should be kept contracted for 5 seconds and then relaxed for 10. It is recommended to repeat 10 times, 3 times a day maximum.
These muscles are exercised whenever you practice physical exercise that involves all the muscles of the body, such as running and swimming. This type of training is by far preferable as it does not strain a single part of the body but all at the same time.
The practicality of Kegel exercises, however, is given by the fact that once you have learned how to perform them, they can be done anywhere! While you are sitting at your desk, while you wait in line at the supermarket or even better when you are lying down to read.

In this way, after a few weeks the muscles of the anal canal will be firmer thus preventing tissue prolapse.
While exercising, be careful not to contract other muscles such as the abdominal or buttock muscles and keep a steady breath. The state of apnea prevents any type of physical exercise from carrying out its mission.
This type of Hemorrhoids exercise can be practiced comfortably without altering your habits and without having to spend even a penny. The important thing is to stay relaxed because the position of effort is precisely the one that aggravates the disorder.
Another type of Hemorrhoids exercise, involves the use of controlled breathing through the diaphragm and helps defecate with less pain.
You have to breathe deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds, expanding the abdomen. When you inhale, you must imagine that the air “pushes” the stool without straining the abdominal area. This technique works only when performed in maximum relaxation and sitting upright on the toilet.
One of the reasons many men suffer from it is because they sit in the toilet much longer than they should, perhaps reading the newspaper or playing on their cell phones. This habit, definitely wrong, puts additional pressure on the rectal area.
For all those who practice yoga, know that there are specific positions to prevent this inconvenience. In particular, all the inverted positions and the one on the head also called the position of the candle.
To practice it, start lying down with your arms along your body and legs extended, then bend your knees towards your chest, putting your thighs and stomach in contact. Bring your palms below your hips as a cushion. As you exhale, straighten your torso until your chin touches the breastbone.
Once stable, stretch your legs upwards, maintaining the position for a few minutes and finally release with extreme gentleness.