Hemorrhoids are caused by the swelling of the hemorrhoidal veins present in the last part of the intestine , which take on an appearance similar to varicose veins and a prolapse of the same.
According to data , it is estimated that around 50% of the adult population suffers from it .
Hemorrhoids on females in particular, may depend on various factors: the efforts made during bowel evacuation , increased intra-abdominal pressure during pregnancy or the changed hormonal balance characteristic of menopause . Often, however, the cause is not known.
Internal or external
Hemorrhoids can be internal, i.e. located in the rectum, or external, in the mucous membrane surrounding the anus. Usually, they don’t cause problems, but in some cases they can cause itching, pain, and bleeding. Rarely, blood clots can form inside the hemorrhoids: in this case we speak of thrombosed hemorrhoids, which manifests itself with severe pain and intense itching.

Hemorrhoids: the classification
Hemorrhoids are classified according to their size and severity into four grades . Those of first degree , or pseudo normal only internal and not visible . They may bleed, but they don’t cause pain.
Second-degree hemorrhoids may protrude from the anus during bowel movement, but retract on their own.
Those of third degree, prolapse, but retract after defecation.
And finally fourth degree hemorrhoids protrude from the anus and do not retract on their own . They must be accompanied by hand.
Surgical interventions are performed only for the third and fourth degree.
Hemorrhoids on females the possible causes
The causes can be various. Familiarity first . Both in those suffering from constipation and in those suffering from diarrhea, defecation is pathological. Stress can be an additional factor, causing the anus to narrow.
And under these circumstances the feces during the evacuation encounter too strong an obstacle. Sudden changes in weight increase the risk of prolapse. Whether it’s for weight loss or weight gain.
Pregnancy, due to the growth of the fetus in the maternal uterus , affects the onset of hemorrhoidal prolapse. Menopause and perimenopause are a critical age for women, since it completely changes the hormonal balance, which keeps the organs toned and which, following this change, can prolapse.
Hemorrhoids on females, when to intervene surgically
If the prolapse is continuous and not episodic, surgical intervention must be performed , respecting however the conservative principle, i.e. restoring the correct anatomical position to the hemorrhoids , to support the anal sphincters.
Hemorrhoids, in fact, have the function of receptors, thanks to which stimuli are perceived. If they are removed, receptors are removed from the anus.
The goal of surgery is therefore not to remove but to reposition . Furthermore, before and after the operation it is advisable to use flavonoid-based medicines.

Hemorrhoids and pelvic floor
Rectum, bladder, vagina and uterus are part of a single system. That’s why I propose a holistic approach , otherwise there will always be a recurrence.
Hemorrhoids in a woman are like the tip of an iceberg : they prolapse and become inflamed because other organs inside are also prolapsed. The results demonstrate that a holistic view of the female pelvis pays off.
The clinical visit must have a tricompartmental approach.
This makes the patient feel attentive to all of her problems and gives the doctor an overview. This is particularly important in menopause and peri-menopause , when the hormonal balance is altered and so is the tonicity of the organs.
Eating habits
Healthy eating habits can help prevent or resolve the inflammatory state of hemorrhoids. Spicy and irritating foods that contribute to aggravate any hemorrhoidal inflammation should be avoided.
No to alcohol and beer and also no to acidic foods, as they will generate acidic stools which further irritate the hemorrhoids.
Furthermore, the abuse of caffeine is inadvisable: it is better not to exceed three coffees a day. And finally, drugs should be avoided . Not just for hemorrhoids.