Hemorrhoids are a very common problem, it is estimated that 50% of the population over the age of thirty suffers from hemorrhoids or has suffered from hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are caused by enlarged veins in the anal area. When these veins become swollen, what is called hemorrhoidal disease develops.
The causes that lead hemorrhoids to increase in volume are many but they all have a common root: inflammation.
Hemorrhoids from sitting too long is is one of the main reason behind inflammation and pain.
Too much sitting does not mean just sitting on the chair but also too much sitting on the toilet.
Therefore, the food factor also comes into play as an unbalanced diet can lead to constipation which is another cause of hemorrhoids that leads us to sit for a long time in the bathroom to evacuate hard and dry stools.

Hemorrhoids from sitting too long
As you can imagine, many jobs require you to be seated for an extended period of time:
- secretaries
- employees
- truckers
- call center operators
In general all those jobs where for one reason or another you find yourself sitting in front of a computer or a steering wheel.
The most disadvantaged are probably the truck drivers as in addition to the risks of being on the road all day, traveling at night (with related physical and mental stress which is another cause of hemorrhoids), they have to remain seated for prolonged periods of time without breaks .
The other job positions can take advantage of some of the tricks that I will reveal shortly to reduce the chances of developing hemorrhoids.
Alternate sitting and standing
If you spend a lot of time sitting, it is recommended to get up and stretch your legs for a couple of minutes every 60 minutes. Don’t wait for the lunch break as the only chance to get up from your workplace
Use an ergonomic chair
It is possible to reduce the weight that the body exerts on the veins of the anal area thanks to an ergonomic seat. Ergonomic chairs, in addition to the benefits for the back, help unload part of the body weight on the knees, thus reducing the weight exerted on the walls of the anal area.
Use a raised desk
Raised desks are a growing trend as they increase productivity by working while standing. Working while standing also takes the pressure off the body on the hemorrhoids.
Do not hold stools
Holding stools makes them more compact and hard, this is one of the major causes of hemorrhoids. The longer you sit straining to have a bowel movement the more likely you are to develop hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids from sitting too long and diet modification
If you often suffer from episodes of constipation or diarrhea, it’s time to make changes in your diet.
Fibers are very important to facilitate intestinal transit.
At the same time it is important to maintain a high level of hydration in fact a high intake of fiber with a low level of hydration is a bad combination that can lead to constipation.
Instead increasing your fiber intake and keeping hydration high is one of the best preventative measures against the development of hemorrhoids.