Anyone suffering from gastritis or hemorrhoids will surely know the stressful situation that these two pathologies cause. In fact, diseases so connected to diet often affect eating habits and therefore daily life: it is difficult to accept going for an aperitif with friends, rather than going out to eat when you have hemorrhoids and/or gastritis.
Those who suffer from both pathologies often wonder if Are acid reflux and hemorrhoids related, and if there is a link between gastritis and hemorrhoids: let’s give an answer to this curiosity.
What are the common causes of hemorrhoids and gastritis?
Among the triggering causes of both pathologies, certainly, is that of nutrition . It must be said that those suffering from gastritis often also suffer from hemorrhoids because the trigger foods are almost all common. In particular we are talking about foods such as alcohol, caffeine and fatty and spicy foods.
Even a sedentary life can trigger both problems: it is very important for those suffering from hemorrhoids or gastritis to take long walks. In fact, bad digestion can be a cause of both hemorrhoids and gastritis and walking helps digestion, favours better defecation and therefore helps to solve both problems.

Are acid reflux and hemorrhoids related?
As we saw above, gastritis and hemorrhoids often have the same causes in common. But when is gastritis the trigger for hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids in many cases become inflamed due to diarrhea : being this type of stool particularly acidic, in fact, they inflame the hemorrhoids causing this pathology.
Those who suffer from gastritis will know that in the most acute cases this annoying pathology involves strong discharges of diarrhea which, therefore, are in turn the cause of inflammation of the hemorrhoids. In particular, to combat this kind of inflammation, hemorrhoid ointments can be used, a really quick and effective remedy.
The foods to choose if you suffer from hemorrhoids and gastritis
We have already talked about the foods that cause these pathologies; let’s see instead what are the foods to prefer in case you suffer from hemorrhoids and gastritis , to eat even if you suffer from both at the same time.
First of all, it should be emphasized that it is necessary to drink a lot of water, because liquids protect the esophageal mucous membranes from gastric juices and water helps the hemorrhoidal problem, making the stools of the right consistency and not hard (hard stools in turn inflame these ” bearings”).
Always and only choose water, preferably natural, and not carbonated drinks rich in sugars which are harmful to both gastritis and hemorrhoids.
It is very important to choose to eat many vegetables, especially cooked, because they are more digestible, cereals and foods particularly rich in fibre. Watch out for fruit: although it is recommended, pay close attention to which types of fruit you choose. In fact, acidulous fruit, such as oranges, should be avoided.
Same advice for fruit juices: yes to apple fruit juices, for example, but no to pomegranate ones.